Source code for rrmpg.utils.metrics

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-a 
# This file is part of RRMPG.
# RRMPG is free software with the aim to provide a playground for experiments
# with hydrological rainfall-runoff-models while achieving competitive
# performance results.
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Implementation of evaluation metrics for e.g. hydrological model simulations.

Implemented functions:
    calc_nse: Calculate the Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient.
    calc_rmse: Calculate the root mean squared error.
    calc_mse: Calculate the mean squared error.
    calc_kge: Calculate the Kling-Gupta-Efficiency.
    calc_alpha_nse: Calculate the alpha decomposition of the NSE.
    calc_beta_nse: Calculate the beta decomposition of the NSE.
    calc_r: Calculate the pearson r coefficient.

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr

from .array_checks import validate_array_input

[docs]def calc_nse(obs, sim): """Calculate the Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient. Original Publication: Nash, J. Eamonn, and Jonh V. Sutcliffe. "River flow forecasting through conceptual models part I—A discussion of principles." Journal of hydrology 10.3 (1970): 282-290. Args: obs: Array of the observed values sim: Array of the simulated values Returns: The NSE value for the simulation, compared to the observation. Raises: ValueError: If the arrays are not of equal size or have non-numeric values. TypeError: If the arrays is not a supported datatype. RuntimeError: If all values in qobs are equal. The NSE is not defined for this cases. """ # Validation check on the input arrays obs = validate_array_input(obs, np.float64, 'obs') sim = validate_array_input(sim, np.float64, 'sim') if len(obs) != len(sim): raise ValueError("Arrays must have the same size.") # denominator of the fraction term denominator = np.sum((obs-np.mean(obs))**2) # this would lead to a division by zero error and nse is defined as -inf if denominator == 0: msg = ["The Nash-Sutcliffe-Efficiency coefficient is not defined ", "for the case, that all values in the observations are equal.", " Maybe you should use the Mean-Squared-Error instead."] raise RuntimeError("".join(msg)) # numerator of the fraction term numerator = np.sum((sim-obs)**2) # calculate the NSE nse_val = 1 - numerator/denominator return nse_val
[docs]def calc_rmse(obs, sim): """Calculate the root mean squared error. Args: obs: Array of the observed values sim: Array of the simulated values Returns: The RMSE value for the simulation, compared to the observation. Raises: ValueError: If the arrays are not of equal size or have non-numeric values. TypeError: If the arrays is not a supported datatype. """ # Validation check on the input arrays obs = validate_array_input(obs, np.float64, 'obs') sim = validate_array_input(sim, np.float64, 'sim') if len(obs) != len(sim): raise ValueError("Arrays must have the same size.") # Calculate the rmse value rmse_val = np.sqrt(np.mean((obs-sim)**2)) return rmse_val
[docs]def calc_mse(obs, sim): """Calculate the mean squared error. Args: obs: Array of the observed values sim: Array of the simulated values Returns: The MSE value for the simulation, compared to the observation. Raises: ValueError: If the arrays are not of equal size or have non-numeric values. TypeError: If the arrays is not a supported datatype. """ # Validation check on the input arrays obs = validate_array_input(obs, np.float64, 'obs') sim = validate_array_input(sim, np.float64, 'sim') if len(obs) != len(sim): raise ValueError("Arrays must have the same size.") # Calculate the rmse value mse_val = np.mean((obs-sim)**2) return mse_val
[docs]def calc_kge(obs, sim): """Calculate the Kling-Gupta-Efficiency. Calculate the original KGE value following [1]. Args: obs: Array of the observed values sim: Array of the simulated values Returns: The KGE value for the simulation, compared to the observation. Raises: ValueError: If the arrays are not of equal size or have non-numeric values. TypeError: If the arrays is not a supported datatype. RuntimeError: If the mean or the standard deviation of the observations equal 0. [1] Gupta, H. V., Kling, H., Yilmaz, K. K., & Martinez, G. F. (2009). Decomposition of the mean squared error and NSE performance criteria: Implications for improving hydrological modelling. Journal of Hydrology, 377(1-2), 80-91. """ # Validation check on the input arrays obs = validate_array_input(obs, np.float64, 'obs') sim = validate_array_input(sim, np.float64, 'sim') if len(obs) != len(sim): raise ValueError("Arrays must have the same size.") mean_obs = np.mean(obs) if mean_obs == 0: msg = "KGE not definied if the mean of the observations equals 0." raise RuntimeError(msg) std_obs = np.std(obs) if std_obs == 0: msg = ["KGE not definied if the standard deviation of the ", "observations equals 0."] raise RuntimeError("".join(msg)) r = pearsonr(obs, sim)[0] alpha = np.std(sim) / std_obs beta = np.mean(sim) / mean_obs kge_val = 1 - np.sqrt((r-1)**2 + (alpha-1)**2 + (beta-1)**2) return kge_val
[docs]def calc_alpha_nse(obs, sim): """Calculate the alpha decomposition of the NSE. Calculate the alpha decomposition of the NSE following [1]. Args: obs: Array of the observed values sim: Array of the simulated values Returns: The alpha decomposition of the NSE of the simulation compared to the observation. Raises: ValueError: If the arrays are not of equal size or have non-numeric values. TypeError: If the arrays is not a supported datatype. RuntimeError: If the standard deviation of the observations equal 0. [1] Gupta, H. V., Kling, H., Yilmaz, K. K., & Martinez, G. F. (2009). Decomposition of the mean squared error and NSE performance criteria: Implications for improving hydrological modelling. Journal of Hydrology, 377(1-2), 80-91. """ # Validation check on the input arrays obs = validate_array_input(obs, np.float64, 'obs') sim = validate_array_input(sim, np.float64, 'sim') if len(obs) != len(sim): raise ValueError("Arrays must have the same size.") std_obs = np.std(obs) if std_obs == 0: msg = ["Not definied if the standard deviation of the observations ", "equals 0."] raise RuntimeError("".join(msg)) return np.std(sim) / std_obs
[docs]def calc_beta_nse(obs, sim): """Calculate the beta decomposition of the NSE. Calculate the beta decomposition of the NSE following [1]. Args: obs: Array of the observed values sim: Array of the simulated values Returns: The beta decomposition of the NSE of the simulation compared to the observation. Raises: ValueError: If the arrays are not of equal size or have non-numeric values. TypeError: If the arrays is not a supported datatype. RuntimeError: If the mean or the standard deviation of the observations equal 0. [1] Gupta, H. V., Kling, H., Yilmaz, K. K., & Martinez, G. F. (2009). Decomposition of the mean squared error and NSE performance criteria: Implications for improving hydrological modelling. Journal of Hydrology, 377(1-2), 80-91. """ # Validation check on the input arrays obs = validate_array_input(obs, np.float64, 'obs') sim = validate_array_input(sim, np.float64, 'sim') if len(obs) != len(sim): raise ValueError("Arrays must have the same size.") std_obs = np.std(obs) if std_obs == 0: msg = ["Not definied if the standard deviation of the observations ", "equals 0."] raise RuntimeError("".join(msg)) mean_obs = np.mean(obs) if mean_obs == 0: msg = "Not definied if the mean of the observations equals 0." raise RuntimeError(msg) return (np.mean(sim) - mean_obs) / std_obs
[docs]def calc_r(obs, sim): """Calculate the pearson r coefficient. Interface to the scipy implementation of the pearson r coeffienct. Args: obs: Array of the observed values sim: Array of the simulated values Returns: The pearson r coefficient of the simulation compared to the observation. """ # Validation check on the input arrays obs = validate_array_input(obs, np.float64, 'obs') sim = validate_array_input(sim, np.float64, 'sim') if len(obs) != len(sim): raise ValueError("Arrays must have the same size.") return pearsonr(obs, sim)